The Mathematics program provides curriculum from algebra to statistics, liberal arts math, linear algebra, calculus, and differential equations. These courses fulfill breadth requirements, associate degree requirements and transfer major requirements for degrees in mathematics, physics, chemistry and engineering. Many B.A./B.S. level careers require extensive background in mathematics. Virtually all two-year career programs in the business or technology fields require a solid foundation in mathematics.
Computer science is an exciting program dealing with the problems in organizing, representing, manipulating and presenting information in an automatic processing environment. Computerized information systems are being developed and used in almost every field. The goal of the computer science program is to provide an understanding of the functions of the modern computer and operational skills in program development. There is an increasing demand for software engineers as anything that plugs into a wall outlet or runs on a battery has a microcontroller or microprocessor at its core and therefore an embedded program running.
The program offers a variety of courses in Accounting, Advertising, Bookkeeping, Business Administration, Business Law, Electronic Commerce, Entrepreneurship, Ethics, Finance, Human Resource Management, Investing, Management, Managing Diversity in the Workplace, and Marketing.
The Engineering program provides curriculum concerned with the fundamentals of mechanics, electrical theory, and materials that can be applied to all disciplines within engineering. The degree concentrates on helping students develop critical thinking skills, a creative imagination and excellent communication skills to effectively function in the professional environment. Most careers in engineering require a baccalaureate or graduate degree. Career options include: mechanical engineer, civil engineer, computer engineer, aerospace engineer, biomedical engineer, automotive engineer and manufacturing engineer.
The counseling and guidance field is growing and more counselors are needed in both education and mental health. The Pre-Counseling Certificate is designed to help students develop professional competencies in preparation for graduate-level studies.
Biological Sciences covers all aspects of the scientific study of life and emphasizes both the unity and diversity of living things. The structure, function and behavior of organisms are studied at the molecular, cellular, organismal and environmental levels. The biology program serves three areas: a broad background of studies for the biology major preparing for transfer to a four-year institution; support courses in human anatomy, human physiology and general microbiology, which may be used to satisfy prerequisites for nursing programs and other allied-health fields and courses in natural sciences to fulfill general education requirements.
Psychology will provide students with an introduction to the field of behavior including the major perspectives, scientific foundations, and applied areas. The intent is to prepare students for future academic study in the field. The degree includes curriculum that can lead to a baccalaureate degree in psychology at a four-year college or university. The degree can also be a terminal, two-year option of study for students interested in psychology who do not wish to pursue a baccalaureate degree in the field.
Public authority, responsibility, and acquisition of power are studied in the discipline of political science. Introductory courses are for students interested in learning about American government, politics in general and relationships with other political systems in the world. Students majoring in political science who are pre-law will particularly profit from the more advanced courses in the department. Students interested in foreign service, international relations and/or communications will enjoy participating in the Model United Nations program offered by the department. A major in political science is of benefit to students seeking careers in law, the military, economics, law enforcement, business, and public administration
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